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This • Paws for Peace: Creating Peace in our world A workshop for Women 55+ who cherish the wisdom of their 4 legged child. This workshop will enable you and your 4-legged to bring greater peace and harmony to our world Offered by Suzanne Carter, MA, LPC 4 essential steps 1. It begins with me. Just as the song says: Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me. We will answer the question: WHO AM I UNIQELY 2. What am I do to. We will answer the question: WHAT IS MY PURPOSE? WHAT INNER STRENGTHS DO I HAVE TO HELP FULFILL MY PURPOSE. 3. Where am I blocked in fulfilling my purpose We will answer the question: WHAT DO I NEED TO DO TO HEAL THIS BLOCK. 4. Now What? The road to peace This step is fueled by Connection We will answer the question: HOW CAN WE CREATE SAFE CIRCLES OF CONNECTION WITH HEALTHY COMMUNICATION. New ideas will emerge as we create circles of Harmony where everyone’s view is honored. In this step, we learn to say YES and NO, creating safe structure for connection and communication. In each step, we will discuss the topic, each person will have 2 or 3 minutes to write about the topic and then we will break in to small groups and share from our perspective. Listening skills will be presented so each person can speak and also learn how to listen. We will practice these steps so that each attendee learns how to be present to the customer in such a way that they feel valued. They also learn how to communicate to the customer so the values of the organization are adhered to but in that structure, the customer’s needs are met. The attendees also can take the skills into their personal and family life and implement the strategies with customers. All handouts will be provided electronically and also in the workshop, a hard-copy will be used, to take home and use. Contact: Suzanne Carter for more information. THE HARMONY RELATION ~Women’s Experiential Spirituality group~ YOUR SECRET GARDEN First meeting: To be determined Led by Suzanne Carter, MA, LPC *Discover what is ready to bloom in your life *Identify the weeds that choke the flowers * Actually, learn how to let go of the weeds *Express your gifts, beauty and bloom where you are Each session includes presentation of topic, guided meditation on topic, experiential exercises, small group work for sharing and learning how to give support and receive support. Cost: $75 per session Bring a friend who has not seen this and you both come for $140 Contact Suzanne for questions or to sign up. 720-540-6738 ( for voice mail, NO TEXT PLEASE) Group will be limited to 12 people unless someone has a space they want to donate, and they come for free) an event article, used for writing about and listing the events planned for the future on your website. You can edit all of this text from the Pages tab by clicking the edit button.Read More

  • Date: 8/28/2024 02:34 PM
  • Location To Be Announced

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